Games I'd like to play on YouTube for my unnamed challenge/game channel

All of these titles and concepts have been pulled out of my ass, if I ever make any of these it'll be way better than what you see here
  • WikiBluff (series) - The Technical Difficultues' Two of These People Are Lying, since they're not using it anymore
  • Wikipedia Race
  • The London Crime Race - people race to violate as many obscure archaic laws as possible whilst in London: whoever finishes the list first wins. ALL LAWS must be fact-checked and verified.
  • Get to the Base - everyone gets blindfolded, disoriented, and dropped off at a different place on Rottnest Island. Each person has no phone, only a physical map and a camera to record with. Everyone must first try to figure out where they are on the island, and then they must race to a central point.
  • Extreme Childhood Games (series?)
  • Rooftop Golf
  • Minigolf with Power-Ups
  • Infomercial Drinking Game - e.g. take a shot whenever it shows black and white footage of someone fucking up, or whenever the product costs $19.99 or .95, or whenever they use cheese to demonstrate a nonstick surface, or whenever the product's name has a hyphen (I swear I came up with this idea before I saw that Jerma stream)
  • Diagnosis - knockoff of that Lunch Club improv game where they had to guess each other's fake illnesses
  • Jet Lag knockoffs (series) - i'd love to do a bunch of knockoffs of Jet Lag: The Game seasons, especially Hide & Seek, Capture the Flag, the New Zealand one, and the Arctic Escape one. I've also had a bunch of unrelated travel ideas in my head for ages, mostly inspired by The Grand Tour or whatever that Top Gear revival was called.
  • [...] On A Budget (series) - teams have to traverse countries, regions, or continents on strict budgets
  • Timeline/Countdown/some shit like that - each participant is put in a featureless room, alone, with nothing but themself a chair. They must walk out when they think an hour has passed. I stole this idea from Hamish & Andy.
  • IRL GeoGuessr
  • To the Nth Degree - participants are sent to small towns, and must all race to find the resident with the highest academic credentials. maybe they'll be sent to separete towns, but maybe they'll all do the same town (different towns would need to be similar populations and demographics). Matt Gray came up with this idea in the Format Laboratory special episode of the Technical Difficulties.
  • English Dialect Jeopardy - a game of jeopardy with questions about English dialects, such as this prototype game I made.
  • Derivational knockoff of Tom Scott's DISCONNECTED
  • Fake or American? - People get given words or ideas and have to guess if they're fake or American. Based off this throwaway line in Tom Scott's DISCONNECTED